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Dr. Devious. wanna play chess?
Bloggs on the stuff that i don't know that hopefully others do know... oh yeah, i am working on one of the mysteries of the universe too, so if you can contribute, every bit of knowledge (within reason) on the subject helps.
then the lord said;"pray to dead people"
Catholics, i'll never understand them.
Published on November 21, 2004 By
no offence to catholics, but i thnk that the next time they pray to one saint or another, they should think "where in the bible did it say to pray to dead people?". i don't mean to be critical, because i might be missing something, so post a reply and i'll be that much smarter.
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then the lord said;"pray to dead people"
on Nov 21, 2004
I think your problem might be an understanding of what it biblically means to be dead. The Lord said regarding the saints, "all are alive unto Him" . Thus, when Abraham, Issac and Jacob had been dead in the flesh for hundreds of years, God appeared unto Moses, and said, "I am the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob" . And to further quote Christ, He said,
"He is NOT the God of the Dead, He is the God of the living, for all live unto Him" .
The death of the body is not the death of the soul or the person, biblically speaking. Though, there are plenty who are living in the flesh and are dead unto God.
. Thus, it was no surprise to the Apostles to find Moses, who had been dead in the flesh for 100's of years, transfigured and living in the spirit when they appeared with Christ on the mount.
on Nov 21, 2004
Sorry for the double post.
Dr Guy
on Nov 22, 2004
You do not pray to dead people. You ask the spirits of those departed to intercede on your behalf.. And as Sabbatismus states, they are not dead, just risen to a different place.
on Feb 15, 2005
i do beleive you are right about my wrong idea of death, and i do agree with you when you say that nobody is really dead as their spirits reside in heaven, i just dubitate their ability to intercede in the abscence of God's divine intervention
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